Shelf Knowledge Management System 

Home Dashboard Overview Guide 

Document version history

Version number

Modified by

Modifications made

Date modified




Initial release of the document

25 June  2024




Multiple amendments to the document: restructuring, replacement and repositioning of texts and graphics, other corrections needed to make the guide more concise and user-friendly.

04 July 2024



This document is developed to let you know what Shelf Knowledge Management System Home Dashboard is, how you can use it, and what purposes and needs it can serve. 
The guide is architectured so as to cover all user roles in Shelf that can access and work with the Shelf KMS Home Dashboard, which are: 
  • Admins
  • Collaborators
  • Members
  • View-only users. 

In general, the target audience of this guide are Content Editors and Content Managers of organizations that are subscribed to the Shelf Knowledge Management System and use it to manage all their content-related activities.
Shall you need any further assistance or have any questions, feel free to contact your Shelf Account Manager or contact Support at


There are no prerequisites for you to start using Shelf Home Dashboard as it is the component of Shelf Knowledge Management System and is available out-of-the-box when your organization has subscribed to Shelf KMS.

Shelf user roles

Before leading you to the main part of this Guide, that is to the description of Shelf KMS Home Dashboard and its use, we need to explain to you what user roles Shelf KMS has and how they differ from each other in terms of content management capabilities.

Table 1. Shelf KMS user roles explained

User role name

User role capabilities


Admins are users who manage the account. 

The following default permissions are available for Admins:

  • Access to the Admin Panel app

  • Access to user management (ability to invite new users, assign users to groups, etc.)

  • Access to billing information

  • Access to account settings (the Customize module)

  • Access to content management (create and update content, folders and libraries)

  • Access to Private library.


Collaborators are users who have the following content management permissions:

  • Access to content management (create and update content, folders and libraries)

  • Access to Private library.


Members are standard users who have to some extent restricted set of content management permissions: 

  • Access to content management (create and update content)

  • Can’t create libraries and folders

  • Don’t have Private library.


As clear from the user role name, the View-only users have a very limited set of content-related permissions that are limited to viewing and commenting on the content:

  • Can view and comment content

  • Can’t add or edit content

  • Don’t have Private library.

Shelf Home Dashboard

Figure 1. Shelf KMS Home Dashboard - Admin View

Figure 2. Shelf KMS Home Dashboard - Collaborator View

Figure 3. Shelf Home Dashboard - Member View

Figure 4. Shelf Home Dashboard - View-only View 
Admins are users who have full permissions to manage content and other users in Shelf KMS. This also includes their permissions within the Shelf KMS Home Dashboard. 

Collaborators, in regards to the Shelf Home Dashboard, can enjoy virtually all the benefits and capabilities of Home Dashboard available for the Admin users with the exception of accessing the Admin Panel. 

Members are ordinary or standard users of the Shelf Knowledge Management System with the limited set of permissions. In particular, the Member role users do not have the Private library which the Admin and Collaborator users have. Members also cannot create structural content items - libraries and folders. In terms of the Home Dashboard navigation, Members have no access to the Admin Panel.

View-only users have very limited permissions in Shelf KMS. They cannot create any content, either structural or non-structural one, meaning that they cannot create, add, or edit individual Gems or libraries or folders. They also have no Private Library and cannot access the Admin Panel.

Figure 5. Navigating the Home Dashboard User Interface

Depending on what features are enabled for your account and permissions granted for your user role, your User Interface in the Shelf KMS Home Dashboard may look like pictured above in Figure 5. 
  1. Library and folder navigation: this section allows you to quickly switch between libraries and folders available to you (the Admin and Collaborator roles have the Private library, while the Member and View-onlyroles do not have it)

    Figure 6. Comparing access to libraries for various user roles

  2. Filters: here you can apply various filters to narrow down your content searches
  3. Content creation: you can start adding the needed content via ADD (only the Admin and Collaborator role uses can create both structural content (libraries and folders) and non-structural content (individual Gems); Members can create/add only non-structural content and cannot create/add libraries and folders; View-only cannot create any content) 
    Content search: enables you to look for any Gems and then filter out them
  4. Search Copilot: if the Shelf Search Copilot feature is enabled for your organization and for your account, use it to get fast and accurate answers to your questions
    Figure 7. Accessing and using Shelf Copilot
  5. Notifications: if enabled for the account, this feature allows you to be aware of the content-related events. The small dot indicates new In-App Notifications.

    Figure 8. Accessing and viewing notifications

  6. Drawer menu: with this menu, you can quickly switch between Shelf apps as well as navigate back to Home Dashboard from any other page from here

    Figure 9. Accessing the drawer menu - Admin View

    Figure 10. Accessing the drawer menu - Collaborator and Member View

    Figure 11. Accessing the drawer menu - View-only View

  7. Profile: if you open the User Profile menu, you see Shelf’s notifications about new features or releases (if the What’s New feature is enabled for you), access your profile settings, log out of your account, as well as access other features if they are enabled on your account: Guided Tour, Announcements, Support Chatetc.

    Figure 12. Accessing the User Profile menu

  8. Widgets: this is the main capability of the Shelf Home Dashboard that allows you to manage content and get insights into content-related activities. See the Working with widgets chapter below for more details.
  9. Dashboard selector: using this selector, and under condition your user role is Admin or your user is a member of a user group specifically permitted to customize Home Dashboard, you can switch between two versions of Home Dashboard: (a) Shelf Dashboard, which cannot be customized and can only serve as a reference when architecturing your account’s own Home Dashboard, and (b) [YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME] Dashboard, which can be customized if your user has the permission to customize Home Dashboard.

    Figure 13. Dashboard selector with the account’s dashboard selected and dashboard customization accessible

    Figure 14. Dashboard selector with the Shelf dashboard selected and dashboard customization non-accessible
Note that if your user role is not Admin or does not belong to a user group permitted to customize Home Dashboard, you will not see the Dashboard selector at all. In such a case, you can only see the [YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME] dashboard which is the default one for you.

Working with widgets

Widget is an element in a graphical user interface (GUI) that acts as a mini app that displays a small amount of information on screen at all times and interacts with the user.
Widgets are located in the main part of Shelf KMS Home Dashboard and are shown in half-size by default and in full-size if set so via the Customize menu. More details about the Customize menu and its accessibility for various user roles can be found in the respective section below.
Also by default, Home Dashboard has the established set of widgets, which are: 

  • My Announcements
  • Favorites
  • Content Updates
  • Recently Viewed
  • Pinned Content
  • My Tasks

Figure 15. Default set of widgets on Home Dashboard

The My Announcements widget is displayed only if the Announcements feature is enabled for your account.
The same approach applies to the My Tasks widget: it is only shown if the Content Publication Workflow (CPW) feature is enabled for the account.  

Enabling these features and, respectively, the My Announcements and My Tasks widgets is performed via the Admin Panel > Customize, as shown in the figure below. Note that this enabling can also be performed by the Admin role user: Collaborators, Members, and View-only roles have no access to the Admin Panel.

Figure 16. Enabling Announcements and CPW for Shelf KMS account
Additionally to enabling Announcements and CPW via the Customize menu, they need also to be enabled for your organization. You can check it by contacting your organization’s administrators, or Shelf Support at


My Announcements

Figure 17. Viewing the Announcements widget in Shelf KMS Home Dashboard - Half Size

Figure 18. Viewing the Announcements widget in Shelf KMS Home Dashboard - Full Size

The My Announcements widget allows you to see up to 5 most recent announcements on which you are specified as a recipient.  

The announcements not yet read are displayed on top of the list; the entire list is sorted from the newest (most recent) to the oldest announcements. The metric here is the announcement’s submission date and time. In the full-size mode, the widget also shows who sent the announcement and when it was received.

You can easily see what announcements are new, as there is the respective label - New - near such. The new, unread announcements are shown in bold as well, for your convenience.

The status of an announcement is shown as well: CONFIRMED, if the announcement requires your confirmation and has been confirmed, and UNCONFIRMED, if the announcement requires your confirmation and has not been confirmed. If no confirmation is required, no status is displayed. 

The widget shows the announcement title in a single row and if the title is too long, it is trimmed. However, you can see the whole title as a tooltip that pops up when you hover over the trimmed title.

You can open and work with any announcement - confirm, read the attached Gems (documents etc.) - directly from the Announcements widget. If you click any desired announcement, it opens in its respective modal window. 

Clicking the VIEW ALL button redirects you to the Announcements page where the list of all the available announcements is located.

Figure 19. Viewing all announcements on the Announcements page

From that page, you can view, read, and confirm the needed announcement(s).

If you have no announcements, the Announcements widget is displayed empty, and the VIEW ALL button is hidden.

Figure 20. Viewing the Announcements widget with no announcements on the account

More details about the Announcements feature and its usage can be found in the respective Announcements Feature Overview Guide.



Figure 21. Viewing the Favorites widget in Shelf KMS Home Dashboard - Half Size

Figure 22. Viewing the Favorites widget in Shelf KMS Home Dashboard - Full Size

The Favorites widget is meant to allow you to quickly view and work with the content you have added to favorites because you find it useful or important.

Similar to the Announcements widget, the Favorites one shows up to 5 content items (Gems) sorted by the date on which each of them has been added to favorites, with the most recent on top of such a list. You can also see who added the specific Gem to favorites, if the widget is in the full-size mode.

The widget shows the Gem title in a single row and if the title is too long, it is trimmed. However, you can see the whole title as a tooltip that pops up when you hover over the trimmed title.

You can click any of the Gems and so open it in the specific Gem page. However, if the Gem is a structural one, that is a library or a folder, you are directed to the prefiltered Search Results page. 

Clicking the VIEW ALL button in the bottom of the widget directs you to the Search Results page with the applied filter Favorites.

If you have no content items added to favorites, the widget is empty and shows the respective message. The VIEW ALL button is hidden as well in this case.

Figure 23. Viewing the Favorites widget if no Gems have been added to favorites
To add a Gem to favorites, you need to go to its context menu by clicking the respective (...) next to it either on the Search Results page or on the Gem page, and then selecting the Favorite option from the list.

Figure 24. Adding Gem to favorites from the Gem page

Figure 25. Adding Gem to favorites from the Search Results page


Content Updates 

Figure 26. Viewing the Content Updates widget in Shelf KMS Home Dashboard - Half Size

Figure 27. Viewing the Content Updates widget in Shelf KMS Home Dashboard - Full Size

This widget makes it possible for you to quickly navigate through the content which has been recently added/updated. 

It shows two (2) tabs—Added and Changed—where content items (Gems) are grouped and sorted by the date of addition or change. 

The list under the Added tab contains up to 5 Gems sorted by their creation date, with the most recent on top of the list. If you click the VIEW ALL button, you are directed to the Search Results page with the respective Language filter applied and Gems sorted by the Created on value, with the most recent on top. 

If no Gems have been recently added, the tab is empty and shows the respective message. The VIEW ALL button is hidden as well.

Figure 28. Viewing the Content Updates widget if no Gems have been updated

Figure 29. Viewing the recently added Gems

The list under the Changed tab contains up to 5 Gems sorted by their change date, with the most recent on top of the list. If you click the VIEW ALL button, you are directed to the Search Results page with the respective Language filter and Gems sorted by the Changed on value, with the most recent on top.

Figure 30. Viewing the recently changed Gems

If no Gems have been recently changed, the tab is empty and shows the message reading You have no recently changed Gems. The VIEW ALL button is hidden as well. 

The widget shows the Gem title in a single row and if the title is too long, it is trimmed. However, you can see the whole title as a tooltip that pops up when you hover over the trimmed title. The Gem type icon is also displayed, making it possible for you to understand what Gem it is—document, image, link, post, video, Decision Tree, or even a structural Gem, that is a library or a folder. 

In addition to the above mentioned details, you can also see who added or changed the specific Gem. It is only possible when the widget is in the full-size mode.

In the Content Updates widget, you can click any Gem to open it on its dedicated Gem page. If the Gem is a structural one—a library or a folder—you are directed to the prefiltered Search Results page.

Figure 31. Viewing the structural Gem opened from the Content Updates widget


Recently Viewed

Figure 32. Viewing the Recently Viewed widget in Shelf KMS Home Dashboard - Half Size

Figure 33. Viewing the Recently Viewed widget in Shelf KMS Home Dashboard - Full Size

The Recently Viewed widget located in the Home Dashboard allows you to have quick access to the content you have recently viewed. The content items (Gems) are displayed as a scrollable list of up to 10 (ten) items and are sorted by their View Date with the most recent items on top. 

The widget shows the Gem title in a single row and if the title is too long, it is trimmed. However, you can see the whole title as a tooltip that pops up when you hover over the trimmed title. The Gem type icon is also displayed, making it possible for you to understand what Gem it is—document, image, link, post, video, Decision Tree, or even a structural Gem, that is a library or a folder. In addition to that, if the widget is in the full-size mode, you can see who changed the specific Gem and the date the Gem was last changed.

In the Recently Viewed widget, you can click any Gem to open on its dedicated Gem page. If the Gem is a structural one—a library or a folder—you are directed to the prefiltered Search Results page.

If no Gems have been recently viewed, the tab is empty and shows the message reading You have no recently viewed Gems.

Figure 34. Viewing the Recently Viewed widget if no Gems have been viewed

Figure 35. Viewing the Pinned Content widget in Shelf KMS Home Dashboard - Half Size

Figure 36. Viewing the Pinned Content widget in Shelf KMS Home Dashboard - Full Size

The Pinned Content widget allows you to have fast and immediate access to the important content you need to have at hand. It may be any fast reference articles or documents that help you and your colleagues perform your work.

The content items (Gems) are displayed in the widget as a scrollable list and are sorted by their Pin Date with the most recent items on top.

The widget shows the Gem title in a single row and if the title is too long, it is trimmed. However, you can see the whole title as a tooltip that pops up when you hover over the trimmed title. The Gem type icon is also displayed, making it possible for you to understand what Gem it is—document, image, link, post, video, Decision Tree, or even a structural Gem, that is a folder. Note that libraries cannot be pinned. In addition to that, if the widget is in the full-size mode, you can see who changed the specific Gem and the date the Gem was last changed.

In the Pinned Content widget, you can click any Gem to open it on its dedicated Gem page. If the Gem is a structural one—a folder—you are directed to the prefiltered Search Results page.
If no Gems have been pinned, the tab is empty and shows the message reading You have no pinned Gems yet. 

To pin a Gem to Home Dashboard, you need to go to the Gem’s context menu by clicking the respective (...) next to it either on the Search Results page or on the Gem page, selecting the Pin option from the list, and then selecting the Dashboard option in the next side menu.

Figure 37. Pinning Gem to Home Dashboard from the Search Results page

Figure 38. Pinning Gem to Home Dashboard from the Gem Page


My Tasks

Figure 39. Viewing the My Tasks widget in Shelf KMS Home Dashboard - Half Size

Figure 40. Viewing the My Tasks widget in Shelf KMS Home Dashboard - Full Size

This widget—My Tasks—is only available if your organization is subscribed to the Content Publication Workflow app and the Content Publication Workflow (CPW) option is enabled for your account. 

If your user role is Admin, you can enable CPW on your account via the Shelf KMS Admin Panel in the Customize menu.

Figure 41. Enabling CPW for Shelf KMS account

The My Tasks widget allows you to have quick access to the content-related tasks assigned to you via CPW. The widget shows up to 5 most recent tasks, sorted by their creation date, with the most recent tasks on top of the list. Note that tasks that have the ARCHIVED or DELETED status are not displayed in the widget. However, the other statuses are indicated next to their respective tasks. More details about CPW tasks and their status can be found in the respective Shelf Content Publication Workflow Overview Guide

The widget shows the task title in a single row and if the title is too long, it is trimmed. However, you can see the whole title as a tooltip that pops up when you hover over the trimmed title. The icon of your task’s content item is also displayed, making it possible for you to understand what content (Gem) your task is related to—document, image, link, post, video, Decision Tree, etc. In addition to that, if the widget is in the full-size mode, you can also see the specific library for the task, as well as the deadline for the task completion if set.

All tasks listed in the widget are clickable and open on their respective Task pages.

Figure 42. Viewing the task from My Tasks widget in the dedicated task page

Clicking the VIEW ALL button directs you to the My Current Tasks page in the Content Publication Workflow app.

Figure 43. Viewing the My Current Tasks page by clicking the My Tasks widget’s VIEW ALL button 

If there are no tasks assigned to you, the widget is empty and shows the message reading You have no active tasks, with the VIEW ALL button hidden.

Figure 44. Viewing the My Tasks widget with no tasks assigned


My Feedback 

Unlike the six widgets mentioned above, the My Feedback widget is only available if it is specifically added to the Shelf KMS Home Dashboard. It can be added when the following preconditions are met:
  • The Content Feedback feature is enabled for your organization
  • The Content Feedback option is enabled for your account

    Figure 45. Enabling Content Feedback for Shelf KMS account 

  •  Your user role in Shelf KMS is Admin or you belong to a User Group for which the permission Allow this user group to customize Home Dashboard for the whole account has been granted.

Once the preconditions are satisfied and Content Feedback is enabled, you can add the My Feedback widget to the Home Dashboard. Note that you must be an Admin role user or a member of a user group specifically permitted to customize the Home Dashboard.

To do so, follow the below steps.
  1. When on the Home Dashboard page, find and select the CUSTOMIZE icon in the upper right part of the window.
    Figure 46. Adding the My Feedback widget to Home Dashboard
  2. In the Customize side panel that appears in the right part of the window, find and select the My Feedback widget. Drag it to any desired location on the Home Dashboard layout.  Once done, click SAVE.

    Figure 47. Adding Adding the My Feedback widget to Home Dashboard - Cont’d
Once done, the My Feedback widget now appears on your Home Dashboard. 

Figure 48. Viewing the My Feedback widget in Shelf KMS Home Dashboard - Half Size

Figure 49. Viewing the My Feedback widget in Shelf KMS Home Dashboard - Full Size
The My Feedback widget, once added to Home Dashboard, allows you to keep track of how feedback you have reported on specific content is getting addressed and also allows you to check its status.
The widget displays feedback items as a scrollable list. Feedbacks are sorted by their submission dates, with the most recent on top. 

The widget shows the title of the content item (Gem) to which the feedback has been left, in a single row and if the title is too long, it is trimmed. However, you can see the whole title as a tooltip that pops up when you hover over the trimmed title. The icon of your task’s content item type is also displayed, making it possible for you to understand what content (Gem) your task is related to—document, image, link, post, video, Decision Tree, etc.

In addition to the content item (Gem) title and type, the widget also shows the feedback text if entered by the user. If no feedback text has been entered, nothing is displayed. Also, the feedback processing status is displayed—OPEN, ACCEPTED, REJECTED, DONE. If the widget size is in the full-size mode, it additionally shows the date when the feedback has been submitted.

Each feedback in the widget is clickable and opens in the respective modal window where you can see details of the feedback such as its submission date, type (negative, positive, or neutral), status, text (if any), reason, content item it has been left for, as well as comments on such a feedback.

Figure 50. Viewing content feedback opened from the My Feedback widget in Home Dashboard 

If there is no feedback, the widget is in the empty state and displays the relevant message

Figure 51. Viewing the My Feedback widget with no feedback added on content items 

Custom widgets

Any operation (adding, editing, resizing, repositioning, and removing) with custom widgets on the Shelf KMS Home Dashboard can only be performed by users who have the Admin role or are members of user group(s) specifically permitted to customize Home Dashboard!

In addition to the widgets listed and described in the sections above, Shelf has implemented the capability to add custom widgets to Shelf KMS Home Dashboard. This has been enabled to allow users who have permission to customize Home Dashboard to add custom widgets to Home Dashboard and be able to have a space for information useful for their organization’s employees or for some instructions that help account users navigate within the platform, or just make Home Dashboard look more appealing.

Adding custom widget

To add a custom widget, perform the following steps.
  1. When on the Home Dashboard page, find and select the CUSTOMIZE icon in the upper right part of the window.

    Figure 52. Adding custom widget to Home Dashboard

  2. In the Customize side panel that appears in the right part of the window, find and select the Custom Widget option. Drag it to any desired location on the Home Dashboard layout.

    Figure 53. Placing custom widget on Home Dashboard

  3. By default, custom widgets are displayed in their half size on the Home Dashboard like all other widgets.

    Figure 54. Viewing full-sized custom widget on Home Dashboard

However, you can always change it to the full size in the Customize mode. Click the Customize icon and then open the widget’s context menu by clicking the respective (...) icon, and select the Full-size option there.

Figure 55. Changing the widget’s size via context menu

You can add up to 10 custom widgets to your Shelf KMS Home Dashboard. In the Customize mode > the Customize panel, there is a counter showing how many more custom widgets you can add to the Home Dashboard. When you add the last, 10th custom widget, this option is removed from the Customize panel.

Deleting custom widget

If you no longer need any of your custom widgets, you can always delete it from the Home Dashboard. To do so, go to the Customize mode, find the needed widget, open its context menu, and select the Remove option there. Confirm your choice by clicking SAVE and then additionally confirm in the popup confirmation window. Following that, the widget is deleted from the Home Dashboard.

Figure 56. Deleting custom widget from Home Dashboard


Using and editing custom widget

When you add a custom widget to your Home Dashboard, you can give it a title and enter any desired information into it - text, images, links, etc. If you for some reason failed to do that during the widget addition, you can make it later in the widget editing mode. To access the editing mode, just click anywhere in the widget when you are in the Customize mode.

Figure 57. Editing the custom widget

Basically, the custom widget is a WYSIWYG editor, so you can work with it accordingly. Add text, graphics, links, change its title or content, etc. 

If you do not add any text/images/graphics/links to the widget body, it displays the respective placeholder message reading Click here to fill this widget with content such as helpful links, upcoming holidays, or company updates. 
Make sure to not exceed the maximum size of the data to the widget, which totals 3 MB. 

Figure 58. Viewing the empty custom widget

Managing widgets


Viewing widgets

All user roles can view standard widgets (My Announcements, Favorites, Content Updates, Recently Viewed, Pinned Content, My Tasks, and My Feedback) on the Home Dashboard.  The difference here is that the My Feedback widget is only displayed on the Home Dashboard when it is specifically added to there by the permitted user roles, which is Admin or a user being a member of a user group permitted to customize the Home Dashboard. Adding this widget to the Home Dashboard is described in the respective section above. 

All users are able to view custom widgets on the Home Dashboard, as well. The prerequisite here is that such widgets need to be added to the Home Dashboard. It can be done either by the Admin role users or users who are members of a user group permitted to customize Home Dashboard.

Figure 59. Viewing standard and custom widgets on Home Dashboard

Customizing widgets

Any widget customization action (resizing, editing, repositioning/reordering and deleting widgets on the Home Dashboard) can only be performed by users who have the Admin role or are members of user group(s) specifically permitted to customize Home Dashboard!
The CollaboratorMember, and View-only role users, which are not members of a user group permitted to customize Home Dashboard, cannot customize their Home Dashboard and its widgets.


Resizing widgets

In addition to the widget deletion, you can resize widgets. To do so, go to the Customize mode, find the required widget, open its context menu, and select the relevant size (Half-size or Full-size) option there. Once done, click Save in the Customize panel to save your changes.

Figure 60. Resizing widgets in Home Dashboard


Repositioning/reordering widgets

Aside from resizing widgets, if you match the requirements specified in the Note above, you are able to reorder them, that is change how they are positioned within the Shelf Home Dashboard. 

To do so, go to the Customize mode, find the required widget, select it to reveal the Reorder button, click and hold it, and then drag the widget to a desired location within the Home Dashboard layout. Once done, confirm your choice by clicking the Save button in the Customize panel.

Figure 61. Reordering widgets in Home Dashboard


Deleting widgets

If you match the requirements specified in the Note above, you are able to remove any no longer needed widget from your Home Dashboard. To do so, go to the Customize mode, find the required widget, open its context menu, and select the Remove option there. Confirm your choice in the respective confirmation popup, and the widget becomes removed from the Home Dashboard.

Figure 62. Deleting a widget from Home Dashboard

Working with content

In this section, you will learn how you can work with various content from your Shelf KMS Home Dashboard. Under “work” we mean add/create structural (Library and Folders) and non-structural content items (Gems).


Accessing and creating libraries

The Admin and Collaborator role users can have all types of libraries on the account. These can be:
  • Private Library and its folders
  • Shared Libraries such as Organization Library and its folders
  • Self-Service Libraries and their folders, if any and if the Self-Service Portals option has been purchased by the user’s organization.

    Figure 63. Libraries accessible to Admins from Home Dashboard

In the Private Library, content is accessible to you only. 

Shared Libraries are available for all users, but access to specific libraries is granted to individual users or user groups. Organization Library is accessible for ALL users generally, so you need to remember it when creating content items in this library: these content items will be available to and accessible by all users of your organization’s account.

Self-Service Libraries, if any, are libraries created to host content for Self-Service Portals. Read more about Self-Service Portals and Libraries in the respective guide

The Admin and Collaborator role users can create libraries and folders directly (1) or request their creation via the Content Publication Workflow task (2).

Figure 64. Creating folders and libraries directly and via CPW in Home Dashboard
It is also possible to upload folders by selecting the respective option—Upload Folder—in the content creation menu that opens by clicking the ADD button. 

The Member role users cannot create libraries and folders unless specifically permitted to do so via the User Groups feature. 

The View-only role users cannot create libraries and folders.


Creating and uploading Gems 

The Admin and Collaborator role users can create and upload non-structural content items, that is Gems, in any library (Admin) or in any permitted library (Collaborator). You can do it either directly (1) via ADD > Create Content, or via the CPW task (2), that is through requesting new content (ADD > Request New Content). In the latter case, CPW must be enabled for your organization and on your account.

Figure 65. Creating and requesting content from Home Dashboard

Finally, you can also upload files instead of creating them from scratch. To do so, go to ADD > Upload Files and then select the needed file(s) from your local computer or device.

Figure 66. Uploading content to Shelf KMS from Home Dashboard

The Member role users can create and upload content items (Gems) in their Private libraries or libraries specifically permitted for them via the User Group feature. 

The View-only role users cannot create or upload content items (Gems). They are only allowed to search for and view Gems.


Searching and filtering content

From Shelf KMS Home Dashboard, you can easily search for the needed content (Gems) using Keywords, Exact Phrases, or even a random word or word combination since the semantic search is supported. Enter the word/phrase etc. and hit Enter on your keyboard to run the search. To narrow your search, apply filters. The filters are both available from the navigation sidebar panel (1) on the left and from the advanced search menu (2) that pops up by clicking on the advanced search icon. You can apply various filters such as Collection, Source, Tag, Category etc.

Figure 67. Searching and filtering content in Home Dashboard



Multilanguage content

All user roles—Admin, Collaborator, Member, and View-only—can also work—manage and search for—with multilanguage content in Shelf KMS Home Dashboard. The prerequisite is that the multilanguage content support is enabled for your account.  Once it is enabled, the content language selector becomes available in the Home Dashboard. Click it and select the needed language. The Shelf Home Dashboard refreshes and displays the content in the selected language.

Figure 68. Filtering and viewing the content by language

Note that the following widgets—My Announcements, Pinned Content, Favorites, and Recently Viewed—are language-agnostic, meaning that the content in these widgets is not filtered by the language you select.
In addition to displaying the content in the selected language, Home Dashboard also shows the libraries and folders in the navigation tree panel in the selected language.

Figure 69. Viewing the libraries and folders in the Home Dashboard’s navigation tree panel in the selected language

However, in the case if a library or folder title has not been translated to the selected language, it always falls back, that is displayed in, to the default language. See Self-Service Libraries titles in Figure 69 above.