Shelf Genesys Cloud Integration Configuration Guide


This document describes steps that are necessary to set up and configure the Shelf Integrations with Genesys Cloud.

Before the configuration it’s recommended to follow the “Shelf Genesys Cloud Integration Installation Guide”

If you require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us at, via the live chat on the Shelf website or from the in-app chat support within the Shelf platform.

Last Update: 20-April-2021


Before configuring the integration, it is recommended to have separate “infrastructure” elements configured, for example, a Queue is needed.

2.1 Queue Configuration

  1. Navigate to Admin, then Queues.
  2. Click on Create Queue and create a Queue with the desired name.
  3. Add members to the Queue that will be setting up & using the integration.
  4. Under the Settings tab, set the Evaluation Method to Disregard skills, next agent and Save the Queue.

3 Integrations

3.1 IVR Integration

Shelf’s IVR integration with Genesys Cloud enables an integrated screen pop of content on a call transfer. The main flow is as follows:
  1. Genesys Cloud obtains the IVR code or intent during the call
  2. The IVR code/intent is passed to Shelf
  3. Shelf identifies the appropriate content to display
  4. Shelf opens a corresponding View (Gem page) 

On Genesys Cloud, a special URL is constructed and passed on to Shelf. Shelf supports multiple IVR systems that can use the same IVR codes or intents to trigger the different content display. 

The structure of the URL and an example is provided below.{{Account id}}/{{IVR System ID}}/{{IVR code}}

Optionally, the displayed view can be changed to a more light-weight, simplified view that leads to faster loading times and more focussed information display. The light view can be enabled by passing a query parameter to the IVR endpoint.{{Account id}}/{{IVR System ID}}/{{IVR code}}?viewType=light

Optionally, a delay can be added so that the screenpop is only triggered after a call has been accepted by the agent.{{Account id}}/{{IVR System ID}}/{{IVR code}}?redirectDelayMS=5000

Optionally, the Favorites tab with gems marked as “favorite” can be enabled in light view mode.{{Account id}}/{{IVR System ID}}/{{IVR code}}?viewType=light&favorites=true

Account Id
Required: Please contact Shelf Support to get your AccountId
IVR System ID
Required: This is the 2nd parameter in the URL, could be anything, used to group together IVR codes
IVR code
Required: User selected first 3, then 2, then 4) (IVR combination that will open a particular gem)
Optional, defaults to full Shelf Web Application
Optional: Query Parameter
Screenpop delay in milliseconds
Optional, defaults to false (no Favorites tab)

  1. Call Center Software opens Shelf at
  2. Shelf finds the corresponding mapping
  3. Shelf redirects to  

This is how your URL will look like in a script.

3.1.1 Map Shelf Content to Triggers

In order to achieve this step, please first create an Excel spreadsheet based on the provided template with your IVR mapping as it is shown in the example below. You can map the IVR codes either to specific gems and then the gem page will be opened or to specific searches, in that case, a specific search will be opened. An example can be found here.

MappingType: “GEM” or “SEARCH”
MappingValue: a URL to a gem or search results
For the MappingValue parameter you need to get a URL that leads to a gem page or search results. The URL for search results can be obtained by searching for something in your Shelf instance and copying that URL. For a gem URL, simply open a gem page and copy that URL. Afterwards you can paste the URLs that you need into the .CSV file. See the screenshots below:

After the CSV file is created, you need to navigate to the “Admin Panel”, then “IVR Mappings” (if this option is not available on your account, please contact

On the “IVR Mappings” page click on the “Upload CSV” button and select your .csv file from your computer. 

After that, you’ll see a preview of your CSV file. After confirming the mappings are as expected, hit the “Upload” button. Afterwards, the page will display your IVR Mappings from the .csv file that you’ve uploaded. The changes are active immediately.

3.1.2 Create Script to Screenpop Content on Interactions View

  1. Go to Admin - Contact Center - Scripts
  2. Click on the Create button and create a new custom blank script. 
  3. Go to the Variables tab and click on the "+" symbol to create a new variable.
  4. Select a regular String type and enable Input & Output buttons, give the variable a name, for example “ivrTest” then hit Apply.
  5. Go to the Add components tab and click to add a new Web Page component. 
  6. Remove the margin by setting it to 0 on every side and make the component full width & height like it’s shown on the screenshot below.Making the script for full width & height is not required. It is possible to integrate the IVR screen-pop the script into any existing setup by the use of Genesys Cloud components. For example you can have your CRM system as a Web-Page component at the top of your screen and then the IVR screen-pop at the bottom of your screen as a Web-Page component also. See the screenshot below.
  7. In the Insert Variable field, enter the Shelf API IVR endpoint with mapped IVR variable at the end that was created in the previous step, then click on the Save button. Make sure that your {{ivrVariableName}} is the same that was created in the steps above.
    For example:{{shelfAccountId}}/{{ivrSystemId}}/{{ivrVariableName}}
    See 3.1 IVR Integration for more details on the URL.
    Add the URL in the Common section of the Web Page configuration.
  8. Go to the Script Properties and make the script Inbound.
  9. Save the script and then publish it.

3.1.3 Inbound Call Flow Configuration


Admin permission on Genesys Cloud

10. Go to Admin - Architect.
11. Create a new flow by clicking on the Add button.
12. Configure your flow. Examples of an already configured flow are below (please keep in mind that your IVR combinations in the flow have to be the same as they’re defined in the Excel spreadsheet document):
13. Save and publish the flow.
14. Go to Admin - Routing - Call Routing.
15. Configure a route to use the flow created above and the telephone number.
16. In order to receive calls, you have to be on the Queue.
17. Call the number that was defined in step №15 and answer the phone.
18. The mapped Shelf content will screenpop after going through the IVR flow.


1. Is there any way to use an application without a login? or every time a user has to manually login to application first?

Answer: If we’re talking about Genesys Cloud then we use the Genesys Cloud OAuth to automatically log in the user, if user’s e-mail address in Genesys Cloud is the same as in Shelf then you’re going to be automatically logged in each time you open any of Shelf integrations in Genesys Cloud.

2. Please confirm if we will query the web service, for screen Popup, The webservice will return the URL of the search page. Which will be rendered inside the workspace? for e.g. if we will pass product as customer selection in the webservice, following page URL will be returned via webservice ""

Answer: After your IVR mappings have been submitted to Shelf, each mapping has a URL which redirects to to an actual value behind the mapping, for example.
You navigate to:
This request will result in a 302 Redirect status to the value behind the mapping:

3. it will be GET request or POST?
Answer: It is a GET request.

4. Is it possible to do screen pop via parameter passing in the URL itself?
Answer: You can pass in the script the exact URL to your content, but that defeats the purpose of the IVR Screen Pop which dynamically opens the needed content based on the flow that is defined in the Genesys Cloud Architect