Shelf Configuration Guide for NICE inContact CXone

This document describes the required steps to configure Shelf in CXone.

The following configuration options are described in this document:

  1. Custom Workspace
  2. IVR Integration

In case you require assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us at or via the Live Chat on our Website or inside of the Shelf App.

Last updated: 27-February 2020

Create Shelf Workspace

By integrating Shelf as custom workspace into CXone, you can eliminate the need to open a separate browser tab for Shelf. Once integrated as a custom workspace, Shelf displays automatically when the MAX agent is launched.

The following steps are needed to set up Shelf as a Custom Workspace,

1. In the ACD module, click ACD ConfigurationBusiness Units.

2. Locate the business unit where you want to configure custom workspaces for MAX and click to open it.
3. In the Details tab, click Edit.

4. Scroll down to the MAX Settings section and locate the Custom Workspaces (up to 3) field.
5. Click Add Custom Workspace URL.
6. In the Label field, type a display name for the link that you want agents to see in MAX.
7. In the URL field, type or paste the address of your Shelf domain (e.g.
8. Click the Preview button to test the URL.

Once successfully added, the Shelf workspace is available when opening the MAX agent.

Integrate Shelf into the IVR

The CXone IVR integration with Shelf requires two configurations:

  1. Creation of an IVR to Content Mapping
  2. Configuration of the self-service script in the CXone Studio App

IVR to Content Mapping

The IVR to Content Mapping supports two ways to map a specific IVR outcome to the content to be displayed by Shelf:

  1. A specific Gem, such as a help article or guided workflow
  2. A set of results from which the agent can choose from

To add mappings to your Shelf account, you can enter the specific items into the UI or create an Excel spreadsheet with the following columns:




caller’s selection or intent (e.g. 2-5-1)


identifier for a specific IVR system or support line


Shelf URL for content to be displayed


GEM = specific content, such as article or guided workflow

SEARCH = set of results

For more details, please refer to the Shelf IVR Mapping Guidance and Worksheet.

Configuration in Studio App

Shelf can be integrated with CXone IVR using the Studio App. You can learn more about the Studio App in the Contact Center Tools section of NICE inContact’s Help website:

With Shelf being integrated with the CXone IVR, on call transfer Shelf displays relevant content to the agent immediately. For this, an OpenURL action type is added to the Runapp step of the Studio script.

The Action Value needs to be set to the Shelf IVR URL. This URL includes the Shelf Account Id, the specific IVR system as well as the selected IVR code:{{Account id}}/{{IVR System ID}}/{{IVR code}

The Shelf Account Id is a value provided by Shelf and is unique to your account. The IVR System Id typically don’t change for a specific Studio script and can be hardcoded. This value can be defined by you, for example, to correspond with a specific customer support line. The IVR code is dynamic based on the selections the caller made. By default, the value {MRES} represents such a selection ( MRES = menu response).

For more details, please refer to the Shelf IVR Mapping Guidance and Worksheet.

Integrate Shelf into the IVR (context-mapped suggestions version)

The CXone IVR integration with Shelf requires two configurations:
  1. Creation of Content Mappings on Admin Panel + Advanced configuration of Answer Assist
  2. Configuration of the self-service script in the CXone Studio App

Configuration in Studio App

Shelf can be integrated with CXone IVR using the Studio App. You can learn more about the Studio App in the Contact Center Tools section of NICE inContact’s Help website:

With Shelf being integrated with the CXone IVR, on call transfer Shelf displays relevant content to the agent immediately. For this, an OpenURL action type is added to the Runapp step of the Studio script.

Example of a script:

General overview

Step-by-step review of actions:

1. Begin

2. Countagents
3. If (checking for the available agents)
4. If -> False -> Play
5. Hangup
6. If -> True -> Menu (there are three options for IVR here)

7. Assign (captures the value from Menu {MRES} and assigns it to context variable)
8. Play
9. Reqagent (here we have a specific skill)
10. Music item
11. Wait item
12. Onanswer
13. Runapp ({context} where context - accessor, {context} - value passed from IVR) (accessor and value will be needed for Answer Assist configuration - see next chapter)

Configuring Answer Assist and Content Mappings

Once you have performed all the configurations mentioned in the above sections, you need to complete the configurations of Answer Assist and content mappings on the Shelf side. To learn more about the content mappings, their configurations, as well as about other Answer Assist’s advanced settings, refer to the following chapters of the Shelf Answer Assist End-to-End Guide: Content and Context in Answer Assist, Creating and Deleting the Answer Assist Configuration, and Configuring the Advanced Settings.