Shelf App for Salesforce: Installation and Configuration Guide 

Document version history 

Version number

Modified by

Modifications made

Date modified




Initial release of the document

5 April  2022




The guide was updated to incorporate multiple modifications and changes added to the Shelf App.

6 May 2022




The guide was updated to incorporate some notes about the influence of the configurations on Answer Assist and regarding the Shelf URL field.

25 May 2022




The guide was updated to match the major overhaul of the Shelf Assist component for Salesforce. Screenshots were replaced with the up-to-date ones. Installation package updated.

21 September 2022




The guide was updated to include the new version of the installation package.

29 September 2022




The guide was updated to include the new version of the installation package.

27 October 2022




The guide was updated to include sections relating to v.2.x package specifics. Screenshots and text have been reworked to meet the version differences.

13 February 2023




The guide was updated to include the new section about addition to Shelf App and Shelf Answer Assist widget. 

11 April 2023




The guide was updated to include a new section about Utility Bar enabling and configuring. New text was also added to describe the Shelf Assist 3.0 widget and its operation in Salesforce. Multiple changes and/or modifications were also made to text and imagery across the document.

8 June 2023




The guide was updated to include instruction how to set up Datadog API key

1 October 2023




The guide was updated to include the steps required to edit the Answer Assist label text. 

`16 October 2023




The guide was updated to include the link to the new Shelf App installation package that now contains the error logger handler to show Error messages in console log. It is now possible to avoid the display of multiple error notifications if the Shelf permission set is not assigned to a Salesforce user.

25 April 2024




The guide was updated to include the added support of the Amazon Connect Contact Id field.

29 May 2024



Shelf App installation package version 


Download link




































This document is developed to walk you through the required steps to install the Shelf App on the Salesforce Sales Cloud. 

Note that the guide now contains three separate configuration procedures - for Shelf Salesforce package version 1.x, for Shelf Salesforce package version 2.x, and, finally, for Shelf Salesforce package version 3.x. Make sure that you understand which exact version is installed and used by you, and follow the appropriate configuration steps for your version. We provide limited support for the versions 1.x and 2.x. When there are no more customers with Shelf App versions 1.x and 2.x left, the information related to these versions will be removed from this guide.
Shall you need any further assistance or have any questions, feel free to contact your Shelf Account Manager or contact Support at


Prior to getting started with the installation and configuration of the Shelf App, you need to make sure the following preconditions have been met: 
  • You must have access to a Shelf instance as the Salesforce App is unable to work without access to a Shelf instance. 
  • You must have admin permissions in regard to your Salesforce instance. 
  • The Shelf App DOES NOT USE any Service or Sales Cloud specific items.
  • The Shelf App does not work in Incognito mode in a browser
  • Google Chrome and Safari are supported browsers

Installation and configuration 

The Shelf App for Salesforce is installed through a URL provided by the package developer (Shelf). Additionally, it is available via the Salesforce AppExchange:

Add the package 

To initiate the installation process, follow the link provided in the Shelf App Installation Package Version table and proceed with the needed version of the Shelf App. 
If you are a Salesforce administrator, start the installation process by entering your username and password pertaining to a Salesforce organization for which the package should be installed. Once done, click the Login button. 
After the successful logon, you are redirected to the following screen that displays various installation options as shown in the figure below.

Figure 1. Browsing the Installation screen

In order to perform the initial installation, you need to make the following steps.
  1. Indicate users for which you want to install the Shelf App by selecting the respective installation options, for example - Install for All Users
  2. Select the I acknowledge… checkbox to confirm that you are aware that the Shelf App is not placed on Salesforce AppExchange and is distributed on an as is basis. 
  3. Click the Installbutton.

    Figure 2. Initiating the installation

  4. Since the app is using third-party services, you need to approve the access by clicking the Continuebutton:

    Figure 3. Enabling third-party services in version 1.x and 2.x packages 

    Figure 3a. Enabling third-party services in version 3.x package
  5. Once the installation is underway, you will see a progress bar displayed. Once the installation is finished, the Installation Complete! the message is displayed. You will also receive a corresponding email message titled “Package Shelf Install Successful”. Once the respective messages are received, click the Donebutton to close the installation window.

    Figure 4. Finishing the installation process

Configure the package 

Configuring version 1.x and version 2.x packages

Content Library Configurator in 1.x and 2.x package versions uses Custom Metadata to save configuration and you have to give the right for the App to create it. For this purpose, go to the Setup page, search for Apex Settings in the search box, and then select the respective checkbox in the window that appears. Once done, confirm your selection by clicking the Save button.

Figure 5. Enabling metadata deployment from non-certified package versions via Apex
In order to start configuring the installed Shelf App (version 1.x or version 2.x), follow the below steps.

Note that the settings you are to configure in the course of the below procedure will also affect the Shelf Answer Assist installed on the current Shelf environment.

The configuration procedure for the installed Shelf App differs depending upon the version of the Shelf Salesforce package used - version 1.x and version 2.x. Follow the procedure for your package only!

Configuration procedure for version 1.x package

  1. Once the initial installation is successfully completed, you are able to see the Shelf App on the list of installed packages. To get to this list, follow the path: Setup (Home) > Installed Packages.

    Figure 6. Viewing installed packages

  2. Near the installed Shelf App, click the Configurelink button to get to the configuration options for the Shelf App. 

    Figure 7. Viewing configuration options for Shelf App

Table 1. Details of Shelf App’s configuration options



Shelf Environment (Region)

This dropdown list field allows selecting a needed environment for your Shelf App use. 

There can be various available options here, for example:

  • Production US: for use in the USA

  • Production EU: for EU use

  • Production CA: for Canada use


It indicates the subdomain (or account name) for your Shelf account (e.g.

For configuration you should set up “yourcompany” name only. 

Once the needed configurations are made, click the Save button to save them and close the window.

Configuration procedure for version 2.x package

  1. Once the initial installation is successfully completed, you need to open the Shelf configuration menu. To do so, go to your Salesforce instance’s Application menu and search for the Shelf Configurationapplication there. 
    Figure 8. Finding the Shelf Configuration application in the Salesforce Application menu
  2. Once you have found the Shelf Configuration application, open it and complete the configuration options as needed. Refer to Table 1 above for details on the configuration options.

    Figure 9. Completing the configuration options for Shelf App 

Once the needed configurations are made, click the Save button to save them and close the window.

Configuring version 3.x package

If the package you have installed has version 3.x, you do not need to take steps described in the Configuration procedure for version 1.x package and Configuration procedure for version 2.x package sections above: the Content Library and Configurator applications are completely removed in version 3.x package. 

However, the Permission Set assignment, described in the section below is needed for all package versions, including version 3.x. It is required for all non-Admin users to add access to Shelf Apex Classes functionality. It is also required if you plan or need to receive AI/Context-Mapped suggestions in your Shelf Answer Assist widget.

In addition to the above setting, you are required to save the Public API key for the Datadog integration, to allow the processing of technical logs. To do it, open the Shelf Datadog Configurator app and save the provided API key. Please use this Public API key (this is the required and exact key):

Figure 10. Accessing Shelf Datadog Configurator app

Figure 11. Viewing and copying the Datadog public API key

This integration aims to send technical data to track events and their failures, help with error investigation, and monitor possible warnings.

The request is performed to the Datadog service API endpoint

More detailed information can be found here

Event Data contains these attributes:

Which includes:
  • message (error or warning message), 
  • Salesforce environment-related information, like hostname, Org name, User ID, environment type, etc
  • Shelf environment-related information, like server region, account id

List of activity events or errors to be tracked:
  • AgentAssist Utilitybar menu click
  • The duplicated Utilitybar component is loaded
  • AgentAssist failed initialization
  • AgentAssist config fetching
  • AgentAssist loading duration
  • Fetching suggestions for Salesforce Record
  • Fetching suggestions for the Chat
  • Error message for failed component loading

Configure access 

Note that assigning the Shelf Assist Access permission set to your user is MANDATORY if you anticipate using Shelf Answer Assist widget with AI/Context Mapped suggestions.

Access to the Shelf App Apex Classes is ensured by the Shelf Assist Access permission set. To enable this permission set for a non-admin user who needs access to the Shelf App, perform the following steps.
  1. Go to Setup (Home) > Permissions Sets > Shelf Assist Access.

    Figure 12. Accessing permission sets 

  2. In the Permission Sets window that appears, click the Manage Assignmentsbutton.

    Figure 13. Starting permission set assignment

  3. In the window that opens, click the Add Assignment button. Then, in the window that appears next, select the checkbox(es) next to the needed user(s) and click the Next button.

    Figure 14. Assigning a user

  4. In the next window, select a suitable expiration option for the user you are assigning, by selecting the appropriate checkbox. Once done, click the Assign button to complete the assignment procedure.

    Figure 15. Setting the expiration date for the assigned user 

Once it is done, the Shelf Assist Access permission set is successfully enabled for the selected user(s).

The user license must allow for the Apex Class Access. If it does not, the permission set cannot be properly assigned to such a user.
You or any other Salesforce administrator can revoke or remove such permission set assignment at any time.

Configure Shelf components 

To configure Shelf-related content, you need to access the Lightning App Builder. For this purpose, navigate to Setup (Home) and search for Lightning App Builder in the search field. 

Figure 16. Accessing Lightning App Builder

Once in the Lightning App Builder window, you can either create or edit a Lightning Record Page for the object that you want to have Shelf related content. 

Let’s take the editing procedure as an example. 
  1. To start editing, click the Edit link button near the needed Lightning Page.

    Figure 17. Starting the Lightning record page editing

  2. In the next window that appears, you can simply drag and drop a needed Shelf component or components from the left-side Components panel’s block titled Custom - Managed.

    Figure 18. Placing Shelf Assist component on the page (package 1.x and 2.x versions)

    Figure 18a. Placing Answer Assist component on the page (package 3.x version)

Depending on the package version installed, the Custom - Managed block of the Components panel can have either two components—Shelf Content Library 2.0 and Shelf Assist 2.0, for versions 1.x and 2.x—or only one component—Answer Assist, for version 3.x. Previously available components - Shelf Related Content, Shelf Related Content - Compact, and Shelf Sidebar Search - are now deprecated as Shelf Assist has all the capabilities to replace them in terms of functionality.

Table 2. Shelf components and their details



Version 1.x components

Shelf Content Library

It is a content library where you can browse all the available Gems.

Shelf Assist

It is a component that activates the Shelf Answer Assist widget capable of embracing the functionality of all the other components. Old Shelf Assist component is also available but if you want to enjoy new design and other improvements, you need to switch to Shelf Assist 2.0.

Shelf Related Content*

It is a larger component that will contain content linked to the appropriate record.

Shelf Related Content - Compact*

It is a smaller component that will contain content linked to the appropriate record.

Shelf Sidebar Search*

It is a search component that will contain functionality to search content.

Version 2.x components

Shelf Content Library 2.0

See the description above.

Shelf Assist 2.0

See the description above.

Version 3.x components

Answer Assist

See the description above

Utility Bar

It is a component that serves as a widget bar and enables quick access to announcements and suggestions in Shelf Assist. This component is not displayed in the Custom - Managed block of the Components panel but is accessible from the bottom of the page.

Components marked with an asterisk (*) and highlighted in gray are outdated and should not be used. 

3. Once you have placed the needed component(s) to the layout, they are shown on the page as displayed in Figure 18 and Figure 18a above. You can now save the edited Lightning Record Page. Note that when you save it for the first time, the Activation window is displayed. You can either choose to activate the page now or skip the activation for a later time. If you decide to immediately activate the page, click the Activate button.

Figure 19. Page activation prompt

4. Once in the Activation: [Page Name] window, if you have no other record pages, you can set your new page as the default one, set its form factor, and confirm your settings.

Figure 20. Setting the page as default

Figure 21. Selecting the page form factor

Figure 22. Reviewing and saving the page

Once the page is saved, you can click the Back button and exit the Lightning App Builder. Now, upon opening a record (in our case Account Record), you expect to see the Shelf components.

Figure 23. Viewing your Account Record page with the added Shelf Component

Note that if there are several templates for different profiles created under one record, then any Shelf component can be added and visible only for one specific user group. If other users cannot see the component, it needs to be added to their template as well.

Configure Shelf Assist 

Now that you have created and activated your page and added the needed Shelf component, in our case - Shelf’s Answer Assist, you need to need to configure Answer Assist on the Shelf side and configure Shelf Assist component on the Salesforce side, in order to be able to use this component on Salesforce.

Configuring Answer Assist on Shelf

To configure Answer Assist on Shelf, perform the following steps.
  1. Log in to Shelf under your Admin credentials and navigate to the Admin Panel. Then select the Answer Assist Configurator submenu in the Admin Paneltree menu.

    Figure 24. Accessing Answer Assist Configurator on Shelf

  2. Select a configuration to open its settings. 

    Figure 25. Accessing Answer Assist configuration

  3. Go to the Advancedtab and add the desired configuration for Shelf Assist. For each object in Salesforce to which you intend to add Shelf Assist, define the fields that Shelf should interpret in order to render context-aware suggestions. 

    Figure 26. Accessing and configuring Advanced settings of Answer Assist

    See an example configuration below that configures Shelf’s Answer Assist for Cases in Salesforce ServiceCloud and for Opportunities in Salesforce SalesCloud. {
        "salesforce": {
            "suggestionAttributes": {
                "Case": {
                    "fields": [
                "Opportunity": {
                    "fields": ["Name"]
    As seen from the code snippet above, the Amazon Connect Contact Id field support has been added for the Salesforce Case object. The respective API name is amazonconnect__AC_Contact_Id__c.   This support allows using Connect ID as Conversation ID (Interaction ID) and replacing Case Record ID. 
  4. Save the configuration by clicking the SAVE button.

    Note:The Assist Advanced Configuration is not limited to Salesforce and may contain other settings as well. 

    Make sure to add the following lines to JSON code in the Advanced tab: 
      "assist": {
        "enabled": true
    These lines are responsible for enabling the context-mapped suggestions in Shelf’s Answer Assist.

    Figure 27. Viewing the context suggestions enabling lines

  5. Once the configuration is saved, go to the General tab and copy the Configuration ID.

    Figure 28. Copying Answer Assist Configuration ID

    Once done, save the copied Answer Assist Configuration ID to a file for further use.

Configuring dynamic context-mapped suggestions

Now, you need to configure how dynamic context-mapped suggestions need to be pushed. For this purpose, perform the following steps.
  1. Setup the content mapping in the Content Mapping submenu in the Shelf Admin Panel.

    Figure 29. Starting the Content Mapping

    1. Initiate the search with a filter you want to map an external Salesforce field to. In this exemplary case, we use Unit__c Salesforce field as the tag filter on Shelf to narrow down the suggestions.

      Figure 30. Running tag-filtered search and viewing search results

    2. Copy the search result URL in the browser search bar. 
    3. Go to https://{your_subdomain} 
    4. Click the ADD MAPPING button. Then, In the mappingValue field,  paste the copied search result URL, but replace the selected tag (pizza, in our case) with a dynamic variable, which in this exemplary case is {{tag}} .

      Figure 31. Setting the mappingValue

    5. Once done, click the OK button of the mappingValue field and then SAVE. Now, your Content Mapping configuration is saved.
  2. Now, you need to configure the Answer Assist context suggestions. Go to the Answer Assist Configurator in your Admin Panel, navigate to the Advanced tab, and make the respective changes to the JSON, paying attention to the following details:
    id - the unique value among different contextTypes 
    type - “text” 
    accessor - the JSON path to an external Salesforce context value.

    Figure 32. JSON code in Answer Assist Configurator’s Advanced tab

intent - the intent of content mapping

Figure 33. Intent value in the Content Mapping Configuration
intentGroupId - (optional) the intentGroupId of content mapping (defaultIntentGroupId will be used if not provided)

Figure 34. IntentGroupId value in the Content Mapping Configuration

templateVariableName - the name of dynamic value in content mapping into which external context will be applied 

Figure 35. mappingValue in the Content Mapping Configuration

Make sure to set proper values in the JSON code. Our exemplary case’s JSON is expected to be as follows:

  "salesforce": {
    "suggestionAttributes": {
      "Chat": {
        "fields": [
      "Case": {
        "ai": {
          "fields": [
        "context": {
          "fields": [
        "fields": [
      "Opportunity": {
        "fields": [
  "contextSuggestions": {
    "contextTypes": [
        "options": [
            "intent": "pizza",
            "intentGroupId": "food",
            "value": "food",
            "displayName": "food"
        "id": "herbalife",
        "color": "#067A46",
        "type": "list",
        "displayName": "Herbalife"
        "accessor": "Case.Status",
        "id": "Status",
        "color": "#ffb75d",
        "type": "text",
        "displayName": "Case Status"
        "accessor": "Case.Priority",
        "id": "Priority",
        "color": "blue",
        "type": "text",
        "displayName": "Case Priority"
        "accessor": "Case.Subject",
        "id": "Subject",
        "color": "green",
        "type": "text",
        "displayName": "Case Subject"
        "accessor": "Case.Description",
        "id": "Description",
        "color": "purple",
        "type": "text",
        "displayName": "Case Description"
        "accessor": "Chat.Message",
        "id": "ChatMessage",
        "color": "purple",
        "type": "text",
        "displayName": "Chat Message"
        "accessor": "Opportunity.Description",
        "id": "OppDescription",
        "color": "purple",
        "type": "text",
        "displayName": "Opportunity Description"
    "visibility": "menu",
    "displayContextValue": true,
    "enabled": true,
    "defaultIntentGroupId": "food"
    "enabled": true
  "assist": {
    "enabled": true
  "tabs": {
    "defaultOpenedTab": "suggestions"

Once all the values are properly configured in the JSON, click the SAVE button, open your Salesforce page and refresh it to enforce the changes. Now, the Shelf Answer Assist component is expected to display the suggested content items.

Figure 36. Viewing content suggestions in the Shelf Assist component on Salesforce

Configuring Shelf Assist on your Salesforce instance

Now you need to place and configure the Shelf Answer Assist component on your Salesforce instance. To do so, perform the following steps.
  1. Navigate to the page where you want to add the Shelf Answer Assist component and open the Setup menu.

    Figure 37. Accessing the page setup

  2. Select the Edit Page option from the menu.

    Figure 38. Starting the page editing

  3. Select the respective Answer Assist component (Shelf Assist 1.0, Shelf Assist 2.0 or Answer Assist (for version 3.x packages) from the respective block in the Components panel, and drag and drop in any needed place of the page you want it to be displayed.

    Figure 39. Placing Shelf Answer Assist on Salesforce page

  4. Copy the Configuration ID you have previously copied on the Shelf side and paste it into the respective field of the Shelf Assist properties.

    Figure 40. Adding the Shelf’s Answer Assist Configuration ID on Salesforce

    Note:Note that now you don’t need to fill in the Shelf URL field as the URL address is automatically fetched from the Shelf App’s general settings, in particular - from the Metadata Configuration window. The Shelf URL field though not subject to manual population is retained in the Answer Assist Configuration window due to the Salesforce regulations.
  5. Save changes by clicking the Save button. Once done, go back to the page and check if everything works as expected. 

    Figure 41. Viewing Salesforce page with the Shelf Assist component 


Adding custom label for Shelf Answer Assist

While in the Answer Assist Properties panel, you can also edit the text used as a title for your Answer Assist component on the Salesforce pages. To do so, find the Shelf Component Label for Page Template field and enter there the desired text. For example, instead of the label “Answer Assist”, we want to see “My Beautiful Answer Assist”.

Figure 42. Editing the Answer Assist label 

Once done, click Save and go back to the needed page to check. The label text should change.

Figure 43. Viewing the edited text for the Answer Assist label

Enable and configure the Utility Bar component (for version 3.x packages only)

Utility Bar is a new component created by Shelf for simplifying user navigation across Salesforce pages and access to Shelf Assist from any such page. It also allows for improving the overall user experience with Salesforce and Shelf Assist.

Enabling Utility Bar

The preconditions for enabling this components are the following:
  • Answer Assist must be enabled for your Shelf account
  • Shelf App version 3.0 must be installed and configured on your Salesforce instance

Once the preconditions are met and you are logged in to your Salesforce account, follow the below steps to enable Utility Bar for your Shelf Assist:
  1. Go to the Setup page.
  2. Find and expand the Apps section in the left sidebar panel.
  3. Select the App Manager option in the Apps menu. 
  4. In the Lightning Experience App Manager window that appears, find the Sales app with Lightning type (or any app according to your business requirements).
  5. Click the More Actions button to open the app’s context menu.
  6. Select the Edit option in the menu.

    Figure 44. Accessing the Sales app in Salesforce

  7. In the App Settings window that appears, find and select the Utility Items (Desktop Only) option in the left sidebar panel. 
  8. Following that click the Add Utility Item button.

    Figure 45. Adding a new Utility Item in Sales App

  9. In the dropdown menu that appears on the screen, find and select the Answer Assist option.

    Figure 46. Adding Answer Assist to Utility Bar

Once you have selected Answer Assist, it is pre-added to Utility Bar. But to make it functional and start using it, you need to configure it.  

Configuring Utility Bar with Shelf Assist

After selecting Answer Assist—and, respectively, pre-adding it to Utility Bar—you need to perform its configuration. The figure below shows what configuration items are available and how you can complete them.

Figure 47. Configuring Answer Assist as a Utility Bar item

  1. Label: In this field you can identify how your Answer Assist needs to be named in Utility Bar. You can leave it default—Answer Assist—or enter any desired name. Note that this field is mandatory and cannot be left blank.
  2. Icon: This is responsible for the icon assigned to Answer Assist as a Utility Bar item. You can leave it default or delete the default one and select any suitable one.
  3. Width: This setting is responsible for the width of the popup window in which Answer Assist is to open from Utility Bar. Note that the maximum width cannot exceed 720 px.
  4. Height: This setting is responsible for the height of the popup window in which Answer Assist is to open from Utility Bar.
  5. Start automatically: If you select this checkbox during the configuration, your Answer Assist as a Utility Bar item will start automatically once you log into your Salesforce. If not, you need to launch it manually by clicking the Utility bar App button.
  6. Shelf Component Label for Page Template: This attribute allows you to adjust the text of the Answer Assist component’s label as displayed on your Salesforce pages. Details can be found in the respective subsection.
  7. AA Configuration ID: This is where you need to enter some specific Configuration ID for your Answer Assist in Shelf. If you leave it blank, the first default configuration in the list of Answer Assist configurations is used.
  8. Shelf URL: This is the address line for your Shelf instance domain that can be different based on your geography or market.

Once you have made the needed configurations in this window, you can save changes and finish the procedure by clicking SAVE.

Now leave the Setup page and start navigating your Salesforce pages. For example, go to Opportunities and open any of the available opportunities.

Figure 48. Viewing Utility Bar and Answer Assist widget added to it

Using Answer Assist as a Utility Bar item

Now that you have enabled the Utility Bar component and added and configured Answer Assist for it, you can start using Shelf Assist for your business needs. 
Let’s see what you can do with it.

  1. Once you open the Answer Assist widget from Utility Bar, it remains open when you navigate across your Salesforce pages. However, if you navigate to any of your Opportunity or Case pages, the widget is automatically reloaded. It occurs to fetch suggestions from Shelf.
    Figure 49. Navigating in Salesforce with Answer Assist opened from Utility Bar
  2. If you have opened the Answer Assist widget from Utility Bar and need to clear the display for better visibility of some Salesforce page elements, you can minimize the widget back to Utility Bar by clicking the Minimize button on the widget. When minimized to Utility Bar, the Answer Assist widget remains active and all the requests and suggestions are sent and received as usual.

    Figure 50. Minimizing Answer Assist back to Utility Bar

  3. If you have minimized Answer Assist to Utility Bar and the new suggestion(s) is/are triggered, the respective notification arrives at the widget in Utility Bar. 

    Figure 51. Viewing notification on Answer Assist widget in Utility Bar

    You can make this notification disappear by re-opening the widget from Utility Bar or by opening the Case or Opportunity page with the added Answer Assist component where the suggestion(s) has/have been triggered.

    Figure 52 Removing the notification by reopening Answer Assist from Utility Bar

    Figure 53. Removing the notification by opening the Opportunity page with the added Answer Assist component

  4. If you have the Answer Assist component added to any of your Case or Opportunity pages and attempt to open the Answer Assist widget from Utility Bar, you will see a warning message about the already running component in the widget.

    Figure 54. Opening Answer Assist from Utility Bar with the Answer Assist component working 

    In order to remove it, you need to reopen the Salesforce page you are on without the Answer Assist component and refresh it


Using Answer Assist from Utility Bar as a popup browser window 

Another scenario of using the Answer Assist widget added to Utility Bar is using it as a popup browser window. Shelf has implemented this capability to let you enjoy the improved user experience. In particular, using the widget in such a manner allows you to locate it anywhere on the screen so that it doesn’t prevent you from working with your Salesforce resources. 

To switch the widget to the popup browser window mode, open it from Utility Bar and click the Pop-out button.

Figure 55. Opening the Answer Assist widget as a popup browser window 

The widget becomes open in a separate popup window which you can resize by dragging its borders or relocate on the screen to a better position.

Figure 56. Opening, resizing, and repositioning the widget as a popup window 
The operation of the widget opened as a popup window is the same as described in the Using Answer Assist as a Utility Bar item section above. The only difference is that you can close the popup window of the widget in which case the window closes and the Utility Bar widget opens automatically.


First login 

When opening your Salesforce page with the Shelf Assist component installed for the first time, you will see the standard Shelf Login window (or the SSO Login window, depending upon your Shelf setup). 

Figure 57. Shelf Login window on Salesforce

After successful authentication you should expect getting content and suggestions from Shelf. 

Figure 58. Shelf Answer Assist showing suggestions

Shelf App tips

After installing and configuring Shelf App and all the needed settings on both the Salesforce and Shelf ends, you are free to start using the App to fulfill your business needs. 

In this section, we are providing you with some tips and hints Shelf App for Salesforce has recently received, which can improve your user experience of utilizing our solution. 

Deleting comments in Gems (ver 1.x and 2.x)

Sometimes it may happen that a comment you have left in a Gem is no longer relevant because the Gem has been updated or the information your comment related to has changed. For this very reason, thanks to a new capability implemented by Shelf, you now can delete comments in Gems.

  • You are logged in to your account in Shelf App on Salesforce
  • You have a Gem in one of your libraries in Shelf KMS that has some comments.

Figure 59. Viewing Shelf on Salesforce

To delete a comment from the Gem, perform the below steps:
  1. Find the needed Gem in Shelf App on Salesforce.
  2. Open the Gem by hovering over it and selecting the Open option from its context menu.

    Figure 60. Opening a Gem in Shelf on Salesforce

  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the Gem and find the Comments tab there. It is opened by default, so when you reach the bottom of the Gem, you can expect to see comments.

    Figure 61. Deleting a comment in Gem

  4. Find the comment you want to delete and open its context menu. Select the Remove Comment option in the dropdown list as shown in the figure above.
  5. In the popup window that appears, confirm your choice by clicking OK.

    Figure 62. Confirming the comment removal

  6. The Gem page is automatically updated and the notification message is displayed telling that the comment has been successfully removed from the Gem. It means that the subject comment has been deleted and is no longer displayed in the Comments section of the Gem.

Highlighting search results (ver 2.x)

Searching data in Gems in Shelf App for Salesforce used to have some drawbacks - when you looked for something using keywords or keyphrases, you then needed to read the entire Gem offered in the search results to figure out whether it contains the relevant data. Now, with the new capability - highlighting keywords and keyphrases in the search results - you can easily and clearly see that you have found exactly what you have been looking for,

Let’s see how this capability works in real-life scenarios.

  • You are logged in to your account in Shelf App on Salesforce
  • You have Gems in your libraries on Shelf.

Figure 63 Viewing the Shelf App page on Salesforce

To check how Shelf App on Salesforce highlights keywords you look for, perform the following steps:
  1. On the homepage of the Shelf App on Salesforce, conduct a search by entering some keyword(s) in the Search field as shown in the figure below.

    Figure 64. Performing search in Shelf App on Salesforce

  2. Once the search is done, you will see search results, where the keyword you used is already highlighted. But that is not what we expect to see. To get to the needed destination, click the More Results button next to the Gem of your interest.

    Figure 65. Accessing the detailed search results for the selected Gem

  3. Further, once you see the list of occurrences of the keyword you have been looking for, click on the highlighted keyword in the occurrence that matches your search.

    Figure 66. Viewing more results for a selected Gem

  4. Once you have done it, the Gem will open in a new popup window where the keyword you have used in the search is highlighted in text. 

    Figure 67. Viewing the found Gem with highlighted search keywords

Keyphrases consisting of two or more words are supported by this capability.

Figure 68. Viewing the found Gem with highlighted search keyphrase

If the keyword you look for is in singular, the highlighted results will show both singular and plural words. However, it applies to those words where the plural is formed in a simple manner - by adding “-s“ to the singular form of the keyword. If the plural is formed in a complex manner, that is by adding “-ies” or by using a special plural form, such plural keywords will not be highlighted. 

Viewing Gems in the Full Screen mode (ver 2.x)

For better user experience while using the Shelf App on Salesforce, we have made it possible to view Gems in the full-screen mode. You do not need to enable it additionally or otherwise use your efforts. The only thing you need to do is to click the Expand button in the Gem popup window.

The scenario is as follows:
  1. Once you are in your Shelf App on Salesforce, logged in under your valid credentials, you can find and open any needed Gem. The Gem opens in a new popup window in the center of the screen.

    Figure 69. Viewing the Gem in the popup window

  2. You can open the Gem in the full-screen mode by clicking the Expand button as shown in the figure above.

Figure 70. Viewing the Gem in the full-screen mode

To go back to the popup window, click the Expand button again.


Collapsing and expanding Shelf Answer Assist widget (ver 2.x)

One more great improvement has been introduced to the Shelf Answer Assist widget configured as a component for your Cases, Opportunities or other pages. Now, you can collapse and expand its view for better visual appeal of your respective pages. 
Note that by default Shelf Answer Assist widget is expanded. We would also like to mention that Figure 71 and Figure 72 below depict Shelf Assist 2.0 collapsing and expanding, but Answer Assist (for ver 3.x packages) works in the same manner.

To collapse the Shelf Answer Assist widget view, simply click the Collapse button as shown in the figure below.
Figure 71. Collapsing the Shelf Answer Assist 2.0 widget

As a result, the widget becomes collapsed and does not clutter your page up.

Figure 72. Viewing the Shelf Answer Assist 2.0 widget collapsed

For expanding the widget back, just click the Expand button in the upper right corner of the collapsed Answer Assist widget. The widget becomes expanded and you can see all tabs and data in it.



Once you receive the URL for the new version of the package, you can initiate the installation process by opening the URL in your browser, entering username and password for the Salesforce organization in which the package should be installed, and clicking the Login button.

After the successful logon, you should expect to see the screen with the available update installation options. 

Figure 73. Viewing the update installation window

Select the appropriate Shelf Upgrade option and select the I acknowledge… checkbox to enable the Upgrade button. Click it to start the package upgrade process, and wait for a successful completion notification. Once it is displayed, the Shelf package has been successfully updated. 

If you update your Salesforce Shelf package to Shelf Assist 2.0, make sure, after the updating process is successfully completed, to go to the Shelf Configuration utility and refresh the environment. See Figure 8 and Figure 9 above. 

Note that updating to Shelf Assist 3.0 (Answer Assist widget) does not require it as no Shelf Configuration utility is available for this version.

If you update your Salesforce Shelf package between Major releases, from a 1.x version to the 2.x version or to the 3.x version, you need to do the following:
  • remove all the installed Shelf Salesforce components of the 1.x version from your pages
  • remove the assigned users from the configured permission set
  • uninstall Shelf Salesforce package of the 1.x version
  • install Shelf Salesforce package of the 2.x version/3.x version
  • follow all the needed configuration steps.


Uninstalling Shelf App package

As a Salesforce administrator, you can remove the Shelf package, including all its components and all the data in the package. Also, any custom fields, links, or anything else that has been added to the Shelf app after installation, will be removed. 

Note that the content itself remains on your Shelf instance and is not deleted when the Shelf App is removed from Salesforce. However, any associations of the Shelf content with Salesforce are removed. 

Navigate to the Setup page and enter Installed Packages in the Quick Find box. In the Installed Packages window that appears, locate the Shelf App package you want to delete and click the Uninstall link button next to it.

Figure 74. Uninstalling Shelf App on Salesforce

In the next window, scroll down to its bottom, select the Yes, I want to uninstall checkbox and click the Uninstall button.

Figure 75. Confirming the Shelf App uninstall  

Once the Shelf App is uninstalled, Salesforce automatically creates an export file containing the package data, associated notes, and any attachments. When the uninstall is complete, Salesforce sends you an email with the link to the export file. The export file and the related notes and attachments are laid down below the list of installed packages. We recommend storing the file elsewhere because it’s available for only two days (48 hours) after you have uninstalled Shelf App. After this period expires, the file is deleted from the Salesforce server and you cannot be able to recover it.