Shelf Analytics Copilot Feature Overview


What is Shelf Analytics Copilot?

Shelf Analytics Copilot is an AI-based feature that helps businesses analyze and make sense of their data. It provides data visualization, reporting, and advanced analytics capabilities, allowing organizations to understand patterns, trends, and insights hidden within their data. Shelf Analytics Copilot can provide statistics and reports for users to explore and analyze their data. It aims to simplify the process of data analysis, enabling users to make data-driven decisions more effectively.
In short, Shelf Analytics Copilot:
  • enables users to get accurate insights into their data in a fast and efficient manner
  • supplements Shelf’s Content Insights capabilities while reducing time and efforts needed to read and understand data
  • makes it possible to retrieve the needed reports on users’ content and its use
  • generally, makes content creators and content managers’ lives easier.


Before you can start enjoying all the benefits of Shelf Analytics Copilot, you need to enable it. For this purpose, when logged in to Shelf under your valid credentials, go to Admin Panel > User Groups > [USER_GROUP_NAME] > App Permissions and switch the Analytics Copilot toggle on.

Figure 1. Enabling Shelf Analytics Copilot in User Group settings

Software requirements 

Software requirements
There are certain software requirements to be accounted for. Read below to learn them.
  1. Shelf KMS and associated web-based features require WebSocket for their proper operation. Make sure your organization's firewall does not block it as well as does not block Shelf's domains associated with the Shelf products. Contact your organization’s network administrators to handle this issue.
  2. Shelf website, Shelf KMS, and other products do not use or host any advertisement. With that being said, to get the best user experience and ensure a flawless operation of Shelf Analytics Copilot, disable any ad blocking tools or browser extensions you may have installed. If enabled, these tools/extensions may result in a decreased speed of operation or otherwise worsen your experience of Shelf products use.
Shelf’s domains may include the following ones:

Most frequent issues and their troubleshooting 

The most frequent issues you may encounter during the use of Shelf Analytics Copilot are no response from the Copilot and its very slow operation
These issues may occur when your organization’s network settings do not match the standard communication flow between the end-user device (your instance of Shelf KMS and Copilot) and Shelf’s servers. 
In this case you need to make sure the following settings are properly configured to fix the issues:
  • WebSocket protocol with wss:// is allowed
  • HTTP Upgrade requests to over Port 443 are permitted.

Once the above settings are adjusted, the communication between your Shelf KMS (and Copilot) and Shelf servers will occur as follows:
  1. The end-user device (your Shelf KMS instance) initiates the standard HTTP connection to
  2. Shelf’s server responds and, if the response is acceptable, the relevant Upgrade header is sent to switch the communication protocol from HTTP to WebSocket
  3. The WebSocket connection is established over the same route, that is using Port 443 for wss://.

If the communication flow is adjusted as detailed above, your Analytics Copilot is expected to work with a proper speed and efficiency.


Accessing Shelf Analytics Copilot

Once the Shelf Analytics Copilot feature is enabled via the User Group settings, you can access and start using it for your needs. 
To access Shelf Analytics Copilot, go to the Content Insights App and select the Analytics Copilot option in the left sidebar menu panel.

Figure 2. Accessing the Content Insights App

Figure 3. Accessing and launching Shelf Analytics Copilot in the Content Insights App

What functionality does Shelf Analytics Copilot have?

Shelf Analytics Copilot has been developed and implemented to enrich the capabilities of Shelf’s Content Insights App by enabling users to get valuable insights into their content quality and health, user engagement, and content search performance. 

When launched from the Content Insights App, the Copilot opens as a widget, offering two predefined options: Show most viewed gems and Show top search terms.

Figure 4. Viewing the Shelf Analytics Copilot widget with predefined analytics options

To get more details about the functionality of Shelf Analytics Copilot, read the chapters below. The Copilot’s functionality is grouped by its purpose: Content Engagement, Search Performance, Gem Views, and User and Account Details.

Content engagement use cases

Shelf Analytics Copilot can improve your experience of using the Content Insights App by making it possible for you to get data about how users engage with your organization’s content, without browsing the Content Insights App menus and reports. All you need to do is to ask the Copilot using the chat in its widget.


Content reading time 

You can ask Copilot to provide you with analytics on the time users spend on reading the content.

Figure 5. Asking and receiving Copilot’s answer about time spent by users on reading content


Content view duration and statistics 

You can learn how many content views are longer or shorter than a certain period of time. 

Figure 6. Asking and receiving Copilot’s answer about the number of content views taking the specified period of time


To refine the Copilot’s responses, you may use filters (depending on the report to be referred), which can include:
  • Time range (if no time range is specified, the default value - 30 days - is used)
  • User
  • Organizational unit
  • Location
  • Search term

Search performance use cases

Shelf Analytics Copilot can help you understand efficiency and specifics of user searches for content. 


Search efficiency 

In particular, you can get the following data from the Copilot:
  • Successful searches statistics - searches that returned the needed results and led to content views
  • Failed searches statistics - searches that returned no results
  • Abandoned searches statistics - searches that returned results but did not lead to content views.

Figure 7. Asking and viewing Copilot’s response about failed searches over the previous month


Search specifics 

This part of the Copilot’s functionality allows you to get analytics on what users searched for, where, and when. 

For example, you can ask the Copilot to retrieve statistics on the most and least searched terms, and apply time, location, organizational unit, and user filters to refine the data.

Figure 8. Asking and viewing Copilot’s response about the least searched terms for the week

Currently, Shelf Analytics Copilot supports two levels of the Searches report. 

Gem views use cases

This part of the Shelf Analytics Copilot functionality enhances the Gem Views report available in the Content Insights App and allows you to get the needed, Gem Views related, data with less effort and for less time.

Figure 9. Asking and viewing Copilot’s response about the most viewed Gems

You can build your questions to Shelf Analytics Copilot on anything reflected on the Gem Views report. Refining filters - time, location, organizational unit, and user - are also supported. 

User and account details use cases

Shelf Analytics Copilot can easily provide you with various user- and account-related data. See the sections below for more details.


Account statistics

The Copilot can retrieve and show the general statistics of the account, the number of Gems with the breakdown by their type (Wiki, Folders, etc.), as well as the number of users (total/active/inactive) on the account.

Figure 10. Viewing the account statistics retrieved by Shelf Analytics Copilot

You can further refine your questions to obtain more specific data: number of Gems of specific types, number of active or inactive users, number of view-only users, number of possible new users you can add to the account, etc. 

Figure 11. Asking and viewing Copilot’s response about the share of specific type Gems on the account


User activity 

Using Shelf Analytics Copilot, you can quickly and easily get data on anything reflected in the User Activity report. For example, you can understand which users were the most (least) active in a specific period of time.

Figure 12. Asking and viewing Copilot’s response about the most active users in a specified period of time


User list 

You can ask Shelf Analytics Copilot about everything shown on the Users List report. 

Figure 13. Asking and viewing Copilot’s response about the number of users added to the account in a specified period of time


Reports use case 

Shelf Analytics Copilot allows you to access relevant reports directly from your chat with the Copilot. 

For example, if you chat with the Copilot about search performance matters, you can access the Searches report, by clicking the VIEW REPORT button under the Copilot’s answer.

Figure 14. Accessing the Searches report from Shelf Analytics Copilot

Other supported reports you can access directly from Shelf Analytics Copilot are:
  • User Activity report
  • Users List report
  • Gem Views report
  • Empty Searches report (if user search returned no results).



After receiving any answer during your chat with Shelf Analytics Copilot, you can leave your feedback on it. To do so, select the appropriate icon—thumb-up or thumb-down—under the answer. This feedback helps Shelf improve efficiency of our AI algorithms and quality of the content.

Figure 15. Feedback functionality in Copilot


Answer copying and reuse 

At any stage of your communication with Shelf Analytics Copilot, you can copy the received answer(s) for further use: for storing on your local machine or for pasting into your business reports or keynotes, etc. To do so, click the COPY button under the needed answer and it becomes saved to the clipboard from where you can retrieve it when needed.

Figure 16. Copying Copilot’s answers for further use


No answer case 

In the case when the Copilot does not find what you search for, the respective message is displayed in the Copilot widget. If it occurs, you need to refine your question. 

Figure 17. Copilot response if it failed to answer your question


Answer canceling 

If, after asking the Copilot your question, you no longer want to wait for the answer or want to ask another question, you can stop the answer generation process by clicking the STOP GENERATING button.

Figure 18. Stopping the answer generation

What are known limitations of Shelf Analytics Copilot?

Along with the vast functionality, Shelf Analytics Copilot has the following limitations:
  • only Content Insights reports are covered, meaning that Copilot is not capable of processing questions not related to CI, such as Gem content, permissions, user groups, and alike
  • only 10 items (users, search terms etc.) at max can be returned by Copilot, while the default number currently used is 3 items per question.